Jackson went trick or treating for the 1st time Friday night! I came home early from work so it would still be light out......and he fell asleep and took a nap when I was so ready to get him dressed! Finally he got up, we got him dressed, and he started seeing the kiddos come to the door which he was LOVING.
We only took him to one of our neighbors' houses which is basically across the street (that journey took about 15 minutes) He wanted to run, then pick every speck of anything off the road, then run back towards the house, etc, etc. When he finally got there he took some candy out of Chris' big bowl and put some in his little pumpkin bag. He must have thought that he took too much - because then he put a few pieces back in the big bowl. :)
We made it through without injury or tears which I'm happy with! *I know the top pic is blurry but his face was too cute....he was so excited running down the driveway!*
Too cute!! I love the BIG smile on his face!
ahhhhhh....he's already learning to spread the wealth.
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