Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey Day in the Taylor House

That was Sunday, November the 23rd for those of you that didn't know.

The meal was a big success. I decided on the turkey recipe from Alton Brown and I DVR'd his special "romancing the bird" and watched it about 4 times. We soaked the turkey in a brine and it really did make a difference. I think the only thing I'd do differently is to leave it at the high setting a little longer or take the little cover over the breast off earlier so it would have gotten browner on top. Other than that - it was juicy and great - not too bad for a 1st attempt.

Besides the bird hoopla, it was really fun to be with my husband, son, mom, and sisters. Everyone pitched in and the food was great. I blew my "diet" but I'm back on the wagon again. At least until Thursday when we do it all again at my mother-in-laws.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My first (and maybe last) TURKEY

It's finally here. The day is fast approaching when I will cook my first turkey. I don't feel prepared at all...... It may seem odd, but it's true - in my 30 years I have never even attempted to cook a turkey. I've cooked a little chicken before, but even that didn't turn out so great.

Sunday (yes THIS Sunday) my family is coming over and I'm making Thanksgiving dinner. My mom is helping of course, but when we were discussing the plans, I heard myself volunteering to take care of everything including the turkey. What was I thinking?

Anyway - Jason (who is a great cook) has volunteered to help and I've been researching some faves at, but any great tips or helpful hints some of you more experienced chefs can give is very welcome. Take advantage - I don't ask for other people's input very often ;)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And the wife of the year award goes to.......

Well - it's safe to say not me ;) BUT - I deserve to be nominated for this. For those of you that don't know, Jason is a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan and he's NEVER been to one of their games. So this little lady picked up some home health patients on the side for extra $$$ and bought these tickets to the LAST cowboys game in Texas Stadium EVER! I won major brownie points for this :) So look for us December 20th on TV!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is it Fall Yet?

As you can tell, we haven't gotten around to raking our leaves yet. I like to use the excuse that we are 'saving' them for our child to make happy memories in.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Jackson went trick or treating for the 1st time Friday night! I came home early from work so it would still be light out......and he fell asleep and took a nap when I was so ready to get him dressed! Finally he got up, we got him dressed, and he started seeing the kiddos come to the door which he was LOVING.
We only took him to one of our neighbors' houses which is basically across the street (that journey took about 15 minutes) He wanted to run, then pick every speck of anything off the road, then run back towards the house, etc, etc. When he finally got there he took some candy out of Chris' big bowl and put some in his little pumpkin bag. He must have thought that he took too much - because then he put a few pieces back in the big bowl. :)

We made it through without injury or tears which I'm happy with! *I know the top pic is blurry but his face was too cute....he was so excited running down the driveway!*